Thursday, September 17, 2009


E=MC squared
Energy equals Mass times Constant speed of light squared.
Energy, Mass, and Light so what came first E M or C perhaps just 2 or maybe all 3?
I imagine Energy could have always existed and likely always will be in one form or another.
We admit it can not be created or destroyed only changed from one form to another.
I imagine space likewise always existed endless and boundless by time or dimensions.
Light is simply a byproduct of the transformation of mass into energy.
We see mass changing back into energy all the time from firewood to supernova for instance.
What we do not see or understand is pure energy changing into mass.
It is my theory that our Big Bang was just such a transformation of energy into mass.
I have no reason to believe the process does not repeat or is limited to our dimensions.
I can imagine our universe as a dim atomic photon in a larger multidimensional universe.
I accept the theories of big bang, mutable bangs, mutable dimensions, parallel universes, black-holes, unlimited space, dark-matter, anti-matter, quarks, strings, and the unification of energy.
I do not believe intelligent life is confined to earth rather that it is too hard to find here.
Given the advanced intelligence to travel light-years I doubt aliens would find earth very interesting or have nothing better to do than fly around attracting attention.
Speaking of creation I have no use for your theory about a personal god and his preferences. I know my spirituality is love. Energy, Mass, neither Time, nor Light can create love. Love is endless and boundless by time or dimensions. You know heaven when you have love. You know hell when you lose love. The more love you give the more love you get in return. God my spirituality is love.

Thank You, Jim Raab

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